Members / Rules

Epiik Leader: Epiik LoGiiKzx.

Epiik Co - Leaders: Epiik ToXiiCz x , Epiik MaGiiKz x , Epiik ShoTz x.

Website Creator: Epiik ToXiiCz x.

Also if you would like to join Epiik message any of the people above.


1. Treat other members how you would like to be treated.

2. Respect all members of Epiik.

3. Do not be racist or discriminate against any other members.

4. Enjoy yourself / Have fun. (Not a rule but we think every member should Enjoy Thereself and have fun).

If you go against any of these rules then it can result in being kicked out of Epiik. (Except Rule Number 4).